I find myself in a ponderous state
A state of contemplation about my existence
And perhaps something more.
Atoms and particles dance and oscillate in harmonious frequency.
Balanced in the physical and chemical states, perfectly so, to form a lump of
Fused with just the right jolt of electrical and electromagnetic conditions to birth
the vibrancy of mobility; functionality and maybe even consciousness.
If this is my fundamental existential plight in absolution – that is, random material
composition in interaction with particular phenomenon –
Then why does my heart seek to beat in sync with the heart of another?
What intangible forces push and pull me to the desire for companionship?
Why do I seek vengeful wrath upon those who peddle injustice?
Why is my entire being gladdened by peace and righteousness?
By what invisible force am I burdened with a sense of morality?
Why is my being perplexed by it?
Why do I seek to do good and feel guilt for my shortcomings?
If I am nothing but space dust in magical cohesion, then do all space dust feel the
way I do?
Does each fundamental piece of reality shoulder this burden?
Do the atoms of the sand upon which I stand demand to be loved?
Do they cry out for the blood of the innocent?
Do the molecules of the ocean wail at the sight of a sinking ship?
Do the clouds cry out for loneliness?
You won’t say they do
But you can’t say for sure that they don’t
You haven’t been in their shoes.
All things function as they do
Why is that true?
The elements are what they are and do what they do
So are you.
Why is that true?
Who made the rules?
The rules that the universe abides by
The rules for the galaxies to obey
The rules that keep stars and planets bound
The rules that govern the particles and intangibles
The rules for the animals and beasts
The rules for you and me
Who is the ruler?
That is the question I pose to you, along with these:
Are laws and principles the culmination of happenstance?
Surely not.
Even if so, what would be the cause of such an effect?
What or who is the preface of this spectacular story?
This journey of extraordinary beginning must have an arc and an end to it.
But who wrote it?
Who set it in motion?
Who sponsored it?
Who is the author?
Ponder with me and let the truth visit your mind and set you free to navigate the
truth in your heart.
Expel yourself from the confines of your mind and let your soul explode to the
reality of your spirit
There is depth in your heart deeper than the course of eternity
And within it is the key to the treasure of life.
Buried underneath the fear of darkness and death.
So dive within yourself and hold your breath
And soon you’ll find there’s more to life than life itself.